Am I Pregnant Quiz?
Am I Pregnant Quiz?
Wondering if you're pregnant or not? Take our Am I Pregnant Quiz to see if you're experiencing any signs and symptoms of pregnancy!
Wondering if you're pregnant or not? Take our Am I Pregnant Quiz to see if you're experiencing any signs and symptoms of pregnancy!

Is your period late?
If your period is late, could it be for a reason other than pregnancy:
Did you have unprotected sex during the middle of your cycle, or about two weeks before the expected start of your period?
Are your breasts unusually tender or swollen?
Are you feeling unusually nauseated at any time during the day?
Have you had any aversions to favorite foods?
Do you use a reliable form of birth control every time you have sex?
Have you been trying to conceive?
Have you noticed a heightened sense of smell?
Have you taken a pregnancy test that's been positive?
Have you been feeling inexplicably tired or exhausted?
Would you say you've been unusually moody lately?
You Could Be Pregnant!
You Could Be Pregnant!
You Are Probably Not Pregnant
You Are Probably Not Pregnant
Based on your answers, it seems unlikely that you're pregnant. But if your period is more than a week late, or you're experiencing any other signs of pregnancy, such as breast tenderness, nausea, headaches, mild cramping, or uncharacteristic tiredness, do see your doctor ASAP for a pregnancy test.
This quiz is not to be taken as absolute confirmation or denial of a pregnancy. Good luck!
You May or May Not Be Pregnant
You May or May Not Be Pregnant
Based on your answers, there is a chance you might be pregnant. Then again, you might just be having an off-cycle leading to a late period, or maybe you caught that minor illness that's been floating around and causing you to feel nauseated. Take a home pregnancy test for more information. If it's negative and your symptoms persist, test again in a week and see your doctor.
This quiz is not to be taken as absolute confirmation or denial of a pregnancy. All our best!