Which Dead Rock Star Can You Replace?
Which Dead Rock Star Can You Replace?
Always thought you missed out on a better life as a musical icon? Answer these questions and find out on your true calling!
Always thought you missed out on a better life as a musical icon? Answer these questions and find out on your true calling!

Which instrument do you play?
How old are you?
Your main goal is:
How would you define your relationship with your workmates?
Do you believe your spouse should be involved in your work?
Which decade had the best music?
How do you imagine your death?
Which one of these musicians do you hate the most?
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
You're obviously a tortured soul, condemned to a life of misunderstanding and angst. Therefore, you'll probably fit well as the prophet of grunge. Just remember: if you look anguished enough and scream passionately enough, it doesn't really matter what you're "singing"
John Lennon
John Lennon
It's all about change with you. You're here to put a mirror at society's face and make people think. You don't tolerate fools or people who can't understand your genius. Ultimately, you believe that becoming the voice of a generation, changing the world and getting shot is better than staying alive and writing shitty songs long after you're 64.
Sid Vicious
Sid Vicious
Sex, drugs and Rock N' Roll. You're totally down with the first two and if the best way to get them is by engaging in the third one, you're all in. The good news is that you are about to have the time of your life, the bad part is that it could kill you.
Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra
You miss a simpler time, when men were men, beer was cold and no one minded if you smoked while sexually harassing the flight attendant. For you, music is about having fun and getting rich. Artistic integrity? That's really hard to rhyme
Buddy Holly
Buddy Holly
You're a purist. To you, all those that came after the generation that created Rock n' Roll are a bunch of no good, copying wannabees. You're can't even listen to the radio without cringing in discomfort but hey, it's not your fault, today's music just sucks
Marc Bolan
Marc Bolan
You're all about the glamour. To you, Rock n' Roll is first of all a lifestyle choice and only then a musical genre. And if you don't approach everything in life with the right cloths, make up and most importantly, attitude, there's no point to get out of bed every morning