9 Mind-Blowing Covers Of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"
9 Mind-Blowing Covers Of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"
In honor of the amazing songwriter who passed away at 82, here are some incredible versions of his most iconic song.
In honor of the amazing songwriter who passed away at 82, here are some incredible versions of his most iconic song.

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It's amazing that this video was just released a few weeks prior to Cohen's passing, but it takes on a unique, and moving, twist on the song.
Ed Sheeran
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The British singer-songwriter sang the song with just a guitar in this live version.
Christina Grimmie
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The young singer put all her efforts into singing this song with her piano being the only accompaniment.
Justin Timberlake & Matt Morris
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Timberlake and Morris performed this version for the Hope for Haiti concert back in 2011.
Susan Boyle
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The famous British singer put her pipes to good use in her rendition of the track.
Bon Jovi
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Jon Bon Jovi's signature singing style still comes through in his band's version of Cohen's classic.
Willie Nelson
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Nelson added a country twang through both the instruments and his voice in this recording.
Rufus Wainwright
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Wainwright's version is most similar to Buckley's famous recreation out of these covers.
Jeff Buckley
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We'd be remiss to not include one of the most emotional versions of this song, the one that almost everyone would recognize from a television show or movie as well.