Are you Emily?
Are you Emily?
You might be Emily. You might not be. Would you be better off as Emily? Probably not, but that's not why you're here.
You might be Emily. You might not be. Would you be better off as Emily? Probably not, but that's not why you're here.

Is your favorite color yellow?
Would you cut a bitch for some pasta?
Does this picture of the world's best and sleepiest kitten fill you with eternal happiness or total rage?
Should Angela Lansbury be in charge of everything?
Barring things you may not have seen yet on Game of Thrones, is Sansa Stark most likely to ascend to the Iron Throne?
Are you more of a Leslie Knope or a Liz Lemon?
Who do you ship Rey with?
Are you now, or have you ever been an Elsa impersonator?
Do you love Wales?
Do you love William Shakespeare?
Yes! You are Emily!
Yes! You are Emily!
Oh no! You're Emily! Congratulations on your impending lifetime of cat-mothering and ruining other people's photos with your belligerently awkward face-making! You are also definitely not Beyonce, which is sad no matter who you are. On the bright side, you're also not a serial killer, which is nice for everyone. Good job on not serial killing!
No! You are not Emily!
No! You are not Emily!
Congratulations! You are not Emily! I don't know who you are, but you might be Beyonce! If you are Beyonce, you win! If you are not Beyonce, you're probably trying your hardest to be Beyonce, and that's really all that counts.