If You Can Figure Out Which Language English Borrowed Each Of These Words From, You're A Linguistic Genius!
If You Can Figure Out Which Language English Borrowed Each Of These Words From, You're A Linguistic Genius!
English has definitely taken a few pages out of other languages' books! How well do you know the sources of these common English words? If you can get 13/15 origins, you're a linguistics genius!
English has definitely taken a few pages out of other languages' books! How well do you know the sources of these common English words? If you can get 13/15 origins, you're a linguistics genius!
Where is "entrepreneur" borrowed from?
Where did English borrow the word "fest"--like a party or festival--from?
What language was this "mammoth" word borrowed from?
Where does the word "genre," like categories of literature, come from?
Where does the beautiful dance (and word!) "waltz" come from?
What does this long word for small schoolchildren come from: "Kindergarten"?
The famous period of art and science was known as the "Renaissance"; where does that word originate?
Where is the word "typhoon" borrowed from?
Where did English pick up the word "patio"?
What about the word "khaki"?
Where do we get "moped," as in the bike?
Where was the word "tsunami" borrowed from?
And where did "paparazzi" come from?
Finally, where does English (and the Internet!) get "avatar" from?