Are Liberal Americans Who Want All Kinds Of Gun Regulations Being Irrational?
Are Liberal Americans Who Want All Kinds Of Gun Regulations Being Irrational?
Following the recent Oregon massacre, Bill O'Reilly attacked the Democratic talking points around gun control, claiming that violent criminals who want to take hold of weapons will do so regardless of the law. He staunchly stated that the liberal viewpoint that going against the 2nd amendment will prevent crime is not only wrong, but is an emotional and irrational claim.
Following the recent Oregon massacre, Bill O'Reilly attacked the Democratic talking points around gun control, claiming that violent criminals who want to take hold of weapons will do so regardless of the law. He staunchly stated that the liberal viewpoint that going against the 2nd amendment will prevent crime is not only wrong, but is an emotional and irrational claim.

Created by Debbie Morgan
On Mar 29, 2017
Do you agree with O'Reilly that the Democrats are wrong about gun control?
Do you agree with O'Reilly that the Democrats are wrong about gun control?
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021