What's Your Animal Superpower?
What's Your Animal Superpower?
There are some unique superpowers in the animal kingdom, which one do you posses?
There are some unique superpowers in the animal kingdom, which one do you posses?

Which creative outlet would you rather partake in?
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Choose a superhero:
Where would you rather live?
How would you prefer to exercise?
Do you work better alone or on a team?
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?
Which word describes you best?
The Sight of a Dragonfly
The Sight of a Dragonfly
You have the sight of a dragonfly! Dragonflies are master predators. They catch 95% of their prey, whereas lions catch only 40%. Warping vision allows them to see the world in slow motion.
You are an extremely observant and perceptive person. You pay attention to close details about other people and everything around you.Your outlook on life is very deep and emotional and you tend to be more of an optimist than a pessimist.
The Electricity of an Eel
The Electricity of an Eel
You have the electricity of an electric eel! The eel can generate up to 600 volts of electricity which they use for hunting, self-defense, and communicating with fellow eels.
You have a vibrant personality and you have an alluring power which captures people's attention. You can be quiet and introverted at times, but when people get to know you they see how intense and interesting of a person you are.
The Echolocation of a Bat
The Echolocation of a Bat
You have the echolocation skills of a bat! Bats use echolocation to navigate and forage, often in total darkness.
You have an adventurous spirit and a vibrant social life. You would prefer to sleep during the day and go crazy at night. You are highly intelligent and have a very morbid, dark side to you. You are an excellent problem solver and manage to find your way out of any sticky situation.
The Strength of an Elephant
The Strength of an Elephant
You have the strength and hearing of an elephant! Elephants use infrasonic hearing to communicate when they are very far from one another. They can hear thunderstorms from 500km away.
You have a calm yet regal personality. You act wise beyond your wise and act as a role model or leader to many people in your life. Your friends always come to you for a listening ear and you are very intuitive and good at sensing when something isn't right. You also have a great memory, since elephants never forget!
The Camouflage of a Chameleon
The Camouflage of a Chameleon
You have the color changing abilities of a chameleon! Color change signals a chameleon's physiological condition and intentions to other chameleons. They tend to show darker colors when angered, or attempting to scare or intimidate others, while males show lighter, multicolored patterns when courting females.
You adapt easily to change and are good at blending in to your environment, but at the same time you wear your heart on your sleeve. You can often be naive or offensive, but it's only because you have a raw, genuine personality where you are always upfront about how you feel. Your true and organic nature is what makes you so colorful and beautiful as a person.
The Speed of a Cheetah
The Speed of a Cheetah
You have the speed of a cheetah!. Cheetahs can run up to 120.7 km/h which is the fastest speed of any land animal on the planet.
You are cunning, witty, sharp and extremely charming. You are a goal setter and once you put your mind to something, there is absolutely no stopping you. You tend to be more extroverted and social, but self-reflection and spending time alone is also very important to you, as you are a deep and contemplative person.