Are You an Anti-Federalist?
Are You an Anti-Federalist?
Find out if you identify with the anti-federalist ideals today with ten simple questions!
Find out if you identify with the anti-federalist ideals today with ten simple questions!
Do you believe that the the power should be placed mostly with the states or with the federal government?
Should the states have control over welfare?
Do you support the distribution of block grants to states?
Do you support the federal government deciding on issues such as medical and recreational marijuana, abortion, and gun control rather than individual states?
Do you typically side with Republicans or Democrats?
Do you prefer the Articles of Confederation or the Original Constitution as far as power distribution?
Do you support the Bill of Rights as a way to protect individual liberties?
Do you think a central government would eventually lose sight of the interests of the general population and focus on mostly self-interests or the interests of political elitists?
Do you prefer an urban or rural lifestyle?
Do you think that states should act as "free agents" when it comes to revenue and how they spend it?
You're an Anti-Federalist!
You're an Anti-Federalist!
You're NOT an Anti-Federalist
You're NOT an Anti-Federalist