What Type of Imperial Trooper Are You?
What Type of Imperial Trooper Are You?
The Empire wants you! Which Stormtrooper category do you fall under?
The Empire wants you! Which Stormtrooper category do you fall under?

Where do you want to/live in?
Choose a treat!
Choose a blaster.
Choose a vehicle
Mercy vs Justice?
Do you prefer large or small work groups?
Is life filled with heroes with different views or heroes and monsters?
You are a Stormtrooper! You are the assault trooper of the Empire, and serve in nearly all environments with specialized equipment. Be it desert survival, lava-resistant gear, or underwater gear. However, to the general public you are viewed as a common police force.
Scout Trooper
Scout Trooper
You have been chosen as a Scout Trooper. Fit for mobility and stealth, these highly armored individuals are known for long-range combat and for driving speeder bikes.
TIE Pilot
TIE Pilot
You have been selected as an Imperial TIE Pilot. Equipped with survival gear to operate deep space, pilots are mostly known for piloting TIE Fighters.
You are a Snowtrooper! Specifically equipped for surviving frigid environments in the galaxy. These troopers are best known for participating and eventual victory in the Battle of Hoth.
Shock Troopers
Shock Troopers
You are an Imperial Shock Trooper! This class of soldiers were taken from the Stormtrooper ranks for simply being better than most, and are used as personal bodyguards to high ranked officers.
Royal Guard
Royal Guard
You are a Royal Guard. Chosen from the time they graduate from the Imperial Academy, these men and women undergo an oath of silence. They have both a blessing and a curse; serving directly under the Emperor, and not taking orders from anyone else. Including Darth Vader.
You are a Shoretrooper. Stationed in tropical environments, coastal defender troopers patrol beaches and lush jungles and are tasked with guarding the front lines of the top-secret Imperial security complex guard.
Death Trooper
Death Trooper
You are a Death Trooper. Death Troopers are an elite variant personal who guard high ranked personnel. Death troopers were trained in unarmed combat, heavy weapons (such as thermal imploders), and sniping. As they specialized in commando missions, the troopers were experts at covering their tracks, leaving little evidence of their missions.