Do you know your acronyms?
Do you know your acronyms?
Do you know your HTTP from RHEL, and your B2B from your ROI? Take our quiz, and find out...
Do you know your HTTP from RHEL, and your B2B from your ROI? Take our quiz, and find out...
Let's start off with an easy one - what does this acronym stand for?
This one's making some waves in the financial community... What does BTC stand for?
This represents a landmark for any company - but what does it mean?
This acronym tends to crop up a lot towards the end of the year.
Not to be confused with the rail company.
This one might be tricky if you're not on the cutting edge... What does HPC stand for?
This technology underpins virtually everything on the web, but can you name it?
This one might prove tricky for some...
Here's a fiendish trick question for you.
Putting aside whether or not its pronounced 'jiff' or 'giff', do you know what it stands for?
And finally... What does TLA stand for?