Which Hollywood Nurse are you?

Catalyst Learning, the creators of NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead," is proud to attend AONE in Indianapolis in 2018!

Take our fun 10-question quiz, and see which big screen nurse you most relate to, based on your work style! Swing by booth#1015 and tell us your results! Register to win a bike at the end of AONE.

To learn more about NCharge, email info@catalystlearning.com

Catalyst Learning
Created by Catalyst Learning (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 13, 2018

Work-Life Balance....

About my hospital and its goals....

How I like to communicate?....

What I think about Authority...



Work and fun?

Work friends...

A fun night out is....

Getting around town...

Evelyn Johnson (Pearl Harbor)

Evelyn Johnson (Pearl Harbor)

Your personality is a hip, young WWII nurse. You’re from the Greatest Generation!

You are a suspiciously attractive Naval Nurse working in Hawaii during WWII. You enjoy new work opportunities that the generation before you may not have had. You come to the rescue when life gets tough! Like the movie Pearl Harbor, you enjoy bright lights and big scenes and make material contributions when the stakes are high. You don’t need recognition or Millennial false trophies, you are solid as a rock and don’t have to brag about it. Tom Brokaw said about you “It is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced. These men and women fought not for fame and recognition, but because it was the right thing to do.”

Stay away from workplace love triangles though. It ends in a lot of drama for Evelyn. She came out okay in the end though, as Pearl Harbor grossed $199 million and is the 3rd highest-grossing romantic drama of all time, behind only Ghost and Titanic.

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about our NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead." Stop by our booth and let us know you are a WWII icon!

Thanks for playing!

Kitty Forman (That '70s Show)

Kitty Forman (That '70s Show)

Your personality is a peace-making older Baby Boom nurse.

You work hard, but take a break every now and then to make peace in your family. You are a cheerful, sunny, sweet-natured nurse with a happy, gentle personality. You try to encourage group activity, sociability and teamwork. You have a powerful maternal instinct for your work team. You are respectful, even to annoying teenagers. You offer advice and comfort for all, but this can sometimes get you into trouble!

Like Kitty, you may have a loud recognizable laugh, a pet dachshund named Schatzi, and a fondness for square dancing?

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead!" You can email us at info@catalystlearning.com, or tell us at our booth that you are a '70s icon!

Thanks for playing!

Jackie Peyton (TV show, Nurse Jackie)

Jackie Peyton (TV show, Nurse Jackie)

Your personality is a hectic, patient juggling Baby Boomer.

You are Jackie Peyton, an emergency department nurse in New York City! Every day for you is a high wire act of juggling patients, doctors, fellow nurses, and sometimes your own silliness. You are strong-willed, and actually enjoy the frenzied grind of an urban hospital. You may have a hard time keeping work life away from personal life though?

You like to start things with a bang, after all Nurse Jackie’s Showtime 2009 premiere was Showtime’s most successful ever! Stay away from un-prescribed Rx pills though, Nurse Jackie had some funny and memorable moments keeping herself and others away from them.

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about our NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead" or stop by our booth to let us know you are Nurse Jackie!

Thanks for playing!

Greg Focker (Movie, Meet the Parents series)

Greg Focker (Movie, Meet the Parents series)

You’re a tweener; half young Baby Boom, half older Gen X

You’re a regular nurse who loves bedside patient care. Taking care of patients is what gets you excited to go to work, not the drama that the workplace can bring. You’re reliable and have a genuine personality, but when you’re surrounded by crazy people and crazy situations, you can start to wonder “is it me who is crazy?”… no, in this case, it was definitely everybody else who was crazy!

Hopefully you have a less embarrassing last name than Greg, and don’t have a paranoid ex-CIA father-in-law. That leads to issues. Hilarious issues.

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead." Or stop by our booth at AONE and let us know you are Greg (we won't say his last name) from Meet the Parents!

Thanks for playing!

Christina Hawthorne (TV show, HawthoRNe)

Christina Hawthorne (TV show, HawthoRNe)

Your personality is a take charge, Gen X’er!

Your are a CNO who is passionate about your job. You always advocate for your patients and staff, even if it threatens your job. You are strong in dealing with other C-suite executives and are a great advocate for the nursing profession, even amongst personal turbulence on the job. It is okay to be both strong, and flawed. After all, Jada won Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series in 2010 for this role.

Like the show HawthoRNe, in the craziness of work, you may sometimes be a drama, sometimes be a comedy, it’s hard for viewers to figure out! (maybe that is why TNT dropped it?)

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about our NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead." Stop by our booth at AONE, and let us know you are Christina Hawthorne, who to our knowledge, is the only recent CNO character to have her own show. That's pretty cool!

Thanks for playing!

Abby Lockhart, (TV show "ER")

Abby Lockhart, (TV show "ER")

Your personality is an opportunity seeking Gen X’er!

Your personality is always looking out for the next big role. Abby moved from OB/GYN to ER nurse, to Nurse Manager, to Resident, to Physician! You easily befriend colleagues and work best when you have a good mentor to help steer you in the right direction. Like other Gen X’ers, you are flexible and tend to be less committed to a single employer as a result. You adapt well, are tolerant of others, are ambitious, and eager to learn new skills. Gen X’ers are comfortable with technology, and like Abby, you may have a disdain for authority, but love a good party!

Don't date your work friends or rehab instructors. It didn't end well for Abby! But it made for great TV, as ER has had a 15 season run.

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about our NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead." Or stop by our booth at AONE, and let us know "you're an Abby!"

Thanks for playing!

Carla Espinosa, "Scrubs"

Carla Espinosa, "Scrubs"

Your personality is a sassy, no non-sense older Millennial! Someone get you a participation trophy ASAP!

You make friends easily at work and give funny nicknames to your work friends. But you also are not afraid to stand up to those friends, even if they’re the doctors. Try not to gossip like Carla does though, it sometimes gets her in trouble. OK, more like always gets her in trouble!

Being a Millennial, you value work life balance and an employer who develops your skills, so you are not a job hopper looking to move up the ladder too fast. Maybe that is why you stayed around Scrubs for all 9 seasons? Longevity.

Contact Catalyst Learning team to learn more about NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead." Or stop by our booth at AONE, and let us know you're a witty Millennial nurse from Scrubs.

Thanks for playing!

April Sexton, TV show "Chicago Med"

April Sexton, TV show "Chicago Med"

You’re a young Millennial nurse! Get you a participation trophy ASAP!

You work on Chicago Med, Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. You prefer working in the bright lights, big city, no rural small hospitals for you. You are the E.D.’s charge nurse and are not afraid to speak your mind when it comes to schooling others, especially the know-it-all Residents. You enjoy the pulse pounding emergency department as you tackle unique new cases and forge fiery relationships!

Like April, stay away from NFL football players though. Dating one didn’t end well for her.

FYI, "Chicago Med" recently got picked up by Hulu. But since you’re a Millennial you already knew that.

Contact Catalyst Learning to learn more about NCharge: "Nurses Learning to Lead." Or stop by our booth at AONE, and let us know you're a fun loving, free wheeling Millennial nurse from the big city!

Thanks for playing!

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