How Would You Die In A Shakespeare Play?
How Would You Die In A Shakespeare Play?
Would you drown? Throw yourself away? Or Exit, pursued by a bear?
Would you drown? Throw yourself away? Or Exit, pursued by a bear?

Pick a deadly sin:
What's your biggest fear?
Where would you prefer to live?
What do you find especially annoying?
Pick a weapon:
Have you ever fought for love?
What do you worry about?
Which of the following would you invite down the pub?
You'd be remembered as...
Smothered By A Pillow
Smothered By A Pillow
You are known for how kind and caring you are but be careful, as that can sometimes be the biggest weakness. You’re loyal and caring, with a strong moral code. All you really want is to see justice and pursue the greater good, but someone is going to take advantage of that and is about to take you down with the strength of a duck feather pillow.
Baked Into Pie
Baked Into Pie
You're excitable, optimistic, and full of wild ambition. Unfortunately whilst these traits are wildly popular with your friends, your enemies may not think as much. Your joyful and positive nature may just be your downfall, so keep your eyes peeled for those who'd rather cook and eat you than smile and greet you!
Stabbed & Poisoned
Stabbed & Poisoned
You're witty, manipulative, and a power-hungry leader. You are more interested in your own pursuits than others, and don't believe in rules as they prohibit your ability to do your own thing. Your adventurous attitude and cunning will rub many up the wrong way, so expect multiple attempts on your life.
Lack of Sleep
Lack of Sleep
You're hard-working and ambitious. When it comes to making decisions, you trust your instincts and let nothing get in your way. You leave little room for emotional interference in your plans and work tirelessly towards your goals. And we all know that tiredness kills....
You’re sweet-natured, compassionate, and have a gentle nature. People are drawn to your kindness - you care deeply for those around you and are happiest when you are able to lend a hand. Your empathy and loving nature will be the death of you.
Pursued By A Bear
Pursued By A Bear
You're a thrill-seeker who focuses on living externally and enjoys taking risks. You seek to be the center of attention and love pleasing the crowd. You want the very best of what life has to offer and get bored easily. You're a fantastic entertainer who will go out in spectacular fashion, naturally.