Take This Impossible 'Spice World' Quiz and Prove You're a True Fan
Take This Impossible 'Spice World' Quiz and Prove You're a True Fan
Can you beat your mates at this fiendishly hard quiz? It's time to prove that you're more than just a wannabe!
Can you beat your mates at this fiendishly hard quiz? It's time to prove that you're more than just a wannabe!

What song do the Spice Girls sing in the opening of the film?
What was the Spice Girls' manager's name?
What distinctive item did Baby have in her area of the Spice Bus?
True or False: Sporty had a gym in her area of the Spice Bus?
What was written on the back of the Spice Bus?
The Chief is played by which former James Bond?
Which Spice Girl fell into the Thames during the boat trip?
What is the name of the Spice Girls pregnant best friend?
Who said it? "What do you think about manta rays?"
What's the name of the terrible action movie that was pitched for the girls?
Who took Scary's boots?
What was the name of the teacher at dance camp?
Finish the quote: "Strength and courage and _____!" - Ginger
When the girls parody each other, who dresses up as Ginger?
When the girls come into contact with the aliens, Sporty signs an autograph and asks if the alien's brother's name has three or four of which letter?
Which of the following celebrities did NOT make a cameo appearance?
What did Deborah order after a fight with the Spice Girls?
Who plays the bartender who listens as Deborah and Clifford vent their frustrations?
Who said it? "I had exactly the same dream, but mine was much, MUCH worse! I had a head but there was no makeup on it!"
How many kids does Baby have in the children fantasy?
In the same fantasy, how often does Posh say she sees her children?
Which game do the girls play in the hospital while waiting for Nicola’s baby?
Does Nicola give birth to a boy or a girl?
What does Posh suggest that Ginger do to wake Malcolm from his coma?
Damien, the creepy photographer, hits his head after accidentally colliding with what?
Damien realises the errors of his way and goes after sinister newspaper owner Kevin McMaxford. Why does McMaxford to lose his job?
What’s the final crime the policeman charges the girls with as they’re trying to get to the Royal Albert Hall?
What song do the Spice Girls sing at the end of the movie?
During the credits, the Spice Girls make a reference to an earlier film that Claire Rushbrook (Deborah) appeared in. What was that film?
How many Razzies nominations did 'Spice World' receive?