Which Former Top Gear Presenter Are You?
Which Former Top Gear Presenter Are You?
As their new show 'The Grand Tour' begins on Amazon, do you knpw which of the 'three grumpy blokes' you're most like?
As their new show 'The Grand Tour' begins on Amazon, do you knpw which of the 'three grumpy blokes' you're most like?

If you could film a Top Gear episode in any country, you would choose...
What do you look for in a car?
Are you willing to take risks?
Pick a Supercar:
Pick a vehicle to modify:
How likely are you to express an honest opinion if you know it could hurt someone's feelings?
Pick a car accessory:
James May
James May
AKA Captain Slow
You are not all about speed and power - you prefer to take it slow and enjoy the journey. You're steadfast and true, empathetic and smart. But let's face it, a bit boring at times.
You’re always stuck with two blithering idiots, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremy Clarkson
AKA The Orangutan
You know what you like and what you like is SPEED! Everyone else is wrong. You're bold, opinionated, selfish, and arrogant. But one tough cookie with a good heart underneath.
There's nowhere you would rather be than on the open road with your mates.
Richard Hammond
Richard Hammond
AKA Hamster.
Flexible and spontaneous, you adapt readily to new people and environments. You enjoy working with others to make things happen and make work fun.
You can be a bit of a show off at times, but the other two keep you grounded with endless pranks and jokes.