What game character are you?
What game character are you?
What system's mascot are you?
What system's mascot are you?

What's your favorite color?
If you were a hero who would be your villain?
Where would you live?
How would you describe yourself?
Who would you want to train you?
What game system or company would you represent?
Who do you think you got?
Crash bandicoot
Crash bandicoot
You are the mascot of Sony's PSP you are Crash.
You are the leader of Nintendo you are Mario
You are the most well-known Pokemon and the leader of the Pokemon franchise for Gameboy you are Pikachu.
Alex Mason
Alex Mason
You are the main protagonist for both Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and 2 for all major gaming systems you are Alex Mason.
Master Chief
Master Chief
You are the main Xbox's first person shooter you are Master Chief.
You are the beloved and popular PC mascot Steve.
Jak and Daxter
Jak and Daxter
You are the face of Sony Playstation you are Jak and Daxter.
You are the face of SEGA you are Sonic