How well do you know Supernatural
How well do you know Supernatural
Here we will be testing your intelligence for Supernatural. We'll be quizzing you on characters, actors, plots, signs, and monster/demons.
This is also my first quiz so let me know how I did :)
Here we will be testing your intelligence for Supernatural. We'll be quizzing you on characters, actors, plots, signs, and monster/demons.
This is also my first quiz so let me know how I did :)

Ok we'll start off easy. Who is this handsome fellow?
And this goofy dude?
And him?
Don't start getting cocky now we are just getting started. Who is she?
And what about her?
What's this?
What is this?
What episode was this said in?
What is this?
combined How many times have Sam and Dean died?
What episode was the first shapeshifter episode called?
What type of car is this?
What nickname does Dean give to the Impala
Now this is for the true fans....what is the License plate of the car?
In episode 11 of season 3 (Mystery Spot) what song keeps playing every time the day restarts
In the Supernatural episode 'Like a Virgin' what monster did Sam and Dean have to fight?
Here's an easy one to give you a break....Who is this cranky guy ( Hint: he practically raises Sam and Dean)
How does he die?
What was the episode called where Bobby Dies?
Even Though Bobby dies he comes back as a ghost!. But as a true Supernatural fan you must know in order for a Spirit to stay on Earth it has to attach themselves to an item they had on Earth. What did Bobby attach his spirit to?
Going back to the easier ones who is this?
And this?
And her?
And her?
What about her?
And this little cutie
And Him?
And now for some Angel testing. Who he?
And back with the girls who is this?
And finally ending with a harder one who is this?