The Ultimate GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas Quiz
The Ultimate GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas Quiz
How well do you know the 3D classic, GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas? Put your knowledge to the test.
How well do you know the 3D classic, GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas? Put your knowledge to the test.

What is the name of the main character from GTA III?
What famous song by Mr. Mister was included on the Vice City soundtrack?
Which GTA doesn't feature the AK-47 as a usable in-game weapon?
GTA Vice City protagonist Tommy Vercetti was voiced by which famous Hollywood actor?
What is the name of the other prisoner that escapes the ambushed convoy at the beginning of GTA III?
What is the name of the final island you unlock on GTA III?
What is the name of Lance Vance's brother in Vice City?
Which Grand Theft Auto City is this a map of?
Which GTA is this screenshot taken from?
Chronologically, which game takes place at the latest date?
In San Andreas, CJ's two brothers are called Brian and...?