An Incredibly Challenging Halo Weapon Quiz
An Incredibly Challenging Halo Weapon Quiz
How good is your knowledge on weapons from the Halo series?
How good is your knowledge on weapons from the Halo series?

Can you name this model of the Battle Rifle?
Which game did the MA5C belong to?
And what was its magazine size?
What's the ammo capacity of the Type-51 Carbine from Halo 2 Anniversary?
Which weapon group does this ammunition belong to?
The M6D could kill in just 3 bullets, but how many did it take without a headshot?
Which game does this version of Plasma Pistol Belong to?
The SRS 99 Anti-Matériel feature in Halo: CE Anniversary and which other game?
From Halo 4 to Halo 5, what changes were made on the M45D Shotgun?
This model of the Covenant Sniper is found in...
What is this a part of?
What weapon is this?
What does this grip belong to?
Can you tell which game this Needler belonged to?
Finally, this is a...?