Which pro team should you play for?
Which pro team should you play for?
Take our personality quiz to see which team you'd fit in best with.
Take our personality quiz to see which team you'd fit in best with.

Which of these esports cities are you most familiar with?
Are you a keen YouTuber?
What's your favourite colour?
Would you want to be an underdog or a favourite?
Do you long to live with your fellow gamers?
When did you get into Call of Duty esports?
What's your favourite game mode?
Which of these is your favourite beer?
Would you rather have a cold or hot Xmas?
Do you like CS:GO?
Do you like to wear tank tops?
Do you miss Nadeshot?
Can you understand the Scottish accent?
How do you feel about the Queen?
Do you crave popularity?
How good at Call of Duty are you really?
You should play for EnVyUs. You're happy with expectation on your shoulders and that comes part and parcel with being a member of one of the world's most prestigious gaming teams.
You should play for Infused. You'd fit right in in the British quartet. You've got talent but you remain an underdog on the world stage.
Rise Nation
Rise Nation
You should play for Rise Nation. People still don't fully appreciate your talent. You remain an underdog despite your continued success.
FaZe Clan
FaZe Clan
You should play for FaZe. You're supported by a YouTube empire and as such, have a massive fanbase. You can handle the pressure.
OpTic Gaming
OpTic Gaming
You should play for OpTic Gaming. You're a hit on YouTube and can handle the expectations of a massive fanbase.
You should play for Luminosity. You're a perennial underdog. and you're fairly new to Call of Duty.
You should play for Splyce. You're the epitome of an underdog team that shouldn't be underestimated. You love rain and tepid Carling (probably).
You should play for Mindfreak. You dominate your domestic scene but teams on the world stage continue to right you off. Let them laugh though as you get a tan on Xmas day.