What elemental Power Should You Posses Based On Your Personality
What elemental Power Should You Posses Based On Your Personality
Fire, water, earth, air with one will you posses based on your personality. Each element has its own powers, which one is yours?
Fire, water, earth, air with one will you posses based on your personality. Each element has its own powers, which one is yours?
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You got fire. Your magic is strong, so don't get carried away using it. You control all fire on how hot it is and how high to dose. Try not to set anything on fire.
You got water. Your magic can be graceful but strong when needed. You control water like the ocean if you use it properly you possibly could breath under water.
You got earth. You control plants and earth. You can use your magic help the earth. Your magic is strong if you use it right.
You got air. You may to see it but its powerful. You can control all air flown. If you can use it right you can fly.