What's your style?

You are more like an grunge, minimalist, girly, casual style? Let's find out. :)

Diana Pop
Created by Diana Pop (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick which style relate the most to your style.

What makeup do you like the most?

What genre of music do you like?

Pick your favourite.

Your favourite color of these.




Which one?

You are...

What's your favourite food?

Pick a picture.

Let destiny guide your way.

Grunge fashion.

Grunge fashion.

Dark ones, ripped jeans, boots, rock/punk style, flatforms and converse. Dark red lips and black eyes with white skin, and beautiful hair colors.

Minimalist/elgant look.

Minimalist/elgant look.

Perfectionist, neutral colors, simple textures, stilettos, gold touch. Always ready for the red carpet, elegant and classy, dresses and a kind of buisiness look.

Casual syle.

Casual syle.

Relaxed, indiferent, comfy clothes, jeans, converse, flats, simple t-shirts, hair in a ponytail or down simple, crop tops, shorts, natural.



Sweet and sympathique, lovable, kind, floral motives, pink, red, beige, lace, heels, flats, sandals, a lot of dresses and skirts, simple makeup and a cute haircut.

Boho/vintage style.

Boho/vintage style.

Festival look, maxi loose dresses and skirts, browns, beige, brown boots, flats or sandals, a lot of jewles, open-minded, nature lovers, beautiful souls.

Sexy look.

Sexy look.

Club style, short dresses, black or dark colors most of the time, night makeup, high heels, stilettos, tight clothes, leather and transparent material.

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