Are you Marnie or Anna?
Are you Marnie or Anna?
The main characters in When Marnie was there. Which one are you?
The main characters in When Marnie was there. Which one are you?

Where would you live?
When others don't understand you? You...
What do you like more?
Do you like parties?
Have you seen other Ghibli Movies?
Do you have a special place (something like a secret garden)?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you like dancing?
Would you like to live in the past?
Your parents...
You are nice and polite. Although sometimes you can feel like an outcast. But that's okay, because there are a lot of people who feel the same way. And remember that being emotionally vulnerable doesn’t mean you aren’t strong.
You are kind and friendly. And although sometimes you can act a bit childish, you have very deep thoughts and feelings. You can think that you are weak, but that's not true. You're quite resourceful. So don't forget to cultivate your strengths.