Your Studio Ghibli adventure?
Your Studio Ghibli adventure?
Where do you belong?
Where do you belong?

Choose colors of your aventure.
How do you feel about flying?
Where will your journey take place?
What issue do you care most about?
Favorite subject
Do you believe in magic?
Where do you spend most of your time?
Do you learn foreign/ancient languages?
Nature vs. Technology
Favorite heroine?
Castle in the Sky
Castle in the Sky
Get ready for an adventure of your life. You belong in this fantastic movie with huge air ships, ancient mysteries and beautiful scenery. You'll have to face a lot of dangers and obstacles on your way to discovery. But if you won't give up fighting for what's right you are sure to find your happy ending.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
One thousand years have passed since the Seven Days of Fire and you are going to change the course of history. But it will be a dangerous journey with a lot of obstacles in your way. Though with your courage and some help from your friends you are sure to save the world.
Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke
You are now in the world of spirits and gods, in this epic battle between people and nature. You'll have to face your fears and fight in order to stop this war. But believe me, you are tough enough for this adventure.
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle
Magic is all around you. Witches, curses, mysterious strangers. Your adventure is full of wonders and suprises. But the strongest magic of all is your kindness.