What Classic '90s Toy Are You?
What Classic '90s Toy Are You?
Before tablets and smartphones, the 90s was full of great toys and games. Which one is most like you?
Before tablets and smartphones, the 90s was full of great toys and games. Which one is most like you?

Where do you most like to play games?
What is your favorite 90s movie?
Which 90s band would you most rock out to?
What's your 90s fashion statement?
What board game do you like most?
What 90s TV show was the absolute best?
What 90s celebrity would you have wanted to be your best friend?
What 90s snack do you most miss?
What 90s scandal is the most shocking?
If you had a time machine, you'd travel back to...
Slip 'N Slide
Slip 'N Slide
You are a Slip'N Slide! You have a great love for the outdoors, especially in warm weather. You're likely to live somewhere tropical or near a desert, where you can enjoy the sun year-round. You are a deep believer in protecting the environment, and will do whatever you can to help with nature preservation.
Skip It
Skip It
You are most like the Skip It! You're efficient and quick to jump to any task that comes across your desk. You like to leap before looking, which may sometimes cause problems - but you always manage to land on your feet. Your speed at adapting to new situations will serve you well.
You are Gameboy! You prefer to spend your time indoors, and have a deeply science-minded brain. You do well in tech and anything requiring intense concentration. You would thrive working in an environment where you will have the freedom to invent, explore, and problem solve.
Super Soaker
Super Soaker
You are a Super Soaker! You are a born strategist, with a healthy belief in tactical planning. You like to take your time to think things through before acting, which means you're usually well prepared for any situation you encounter.
Beanie Babies
Beanie Babies
You are Beanie Babies! You're stylish and fashionable, always in the right outfit for any occasion. You are friendly and outgoing, with a generous heart. Your disposition makes you easy to connect with.
You are Tamagotchi! You are a nurturing soul with a devotion to children and animals. You love taking care of those in need, and would do well working in social services, as a vet or doctor, or another job that allows you to help others. Good for you!