What College's Motto Best Represents Your Life?
What College's Motto Best Represents Your Life?
Which college motto most defines how you live? Find out!
Which college motto most defines how you live? Find out!

What subject are you best at in school?
A friend tells you a secret. Do you...
What's the worst way you've ever broken the law?
What personality trait means the most to you?
Which deadly sin do you engage in the most?
What do you like to do to relax on the weekend?
Where would you most want to get married?
What coming of age book is your favorite?
During war, what would you be most likely to do?
How do you keep your workspace?
Harvard: Truth
Harvard: Truth
The motto that represents you most is Harvard's Veritas, meaning Truth! You are a genuinely honest person, who prioritizes reality and logic over imagination and daydreaming. You've got a good heart and care for those around you, but believe strongly in honesty over all else, even if it might hurt someone's feelings. You know how to cut through the stresses of life by being genuine to yourself and to those around you.
Florida State: Strength, Skill, Character
Florida State: Strength, Skill, Character
The motto that represents you most is Florida State University's Strength, Skill, Character! You have all three of these things in abundance. You're someone who believes in strength of both mind and body, and can just as easily be found at the gym or reading a great new book. You believe in focus and practice makes perfect, and do a great job of succeeding at anything you set your mind to - hard work will always get you far, and you know it.
MIT: Mind and Hand
MIT: Mind and Hand
The motto that represents you most is MIT's Mind and Hand! You are an intellectual first and foremost, who believes genuinely in taking the time out of your day to learn something - no matter how abstract it may be. Your friends know to turn to you when they have a question about anything, whether it's current affairs or care repair, you're sure to have some knowledge and an opinion on the matter. Your intelligence is sure to get you far!
Boston College: Ever to Excel
Boston College: Ever to Excel
The motto that represents you most is Boston College's motto Ever to Excel! You are a goal-oriented, driven individual, with a passion for getting things done. You have never procrastinated on anything, and are likely the first person to any important meeting. You have a strong work ethic both at home and in the office, which makes you a great parent and an excellent team player. Good for you!
US Military Academy: Duty, Honor, Country
US Military Academy: Duty, Honor, Country
The motto that represents you most is the US Military Academy's Duty, Honor, Country! You're a patriot who cares deeply for your country. You have a strong belief in teamwork, and do well when you're put in large social situations or asked to take part in group projects. You've got a good heart, but know that your responsibilities come before social occasions or fun. That's okay, though - you genuinely enjoy working hard, and are likely to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.