What Tool Most Defines Your Work?
What Tool Most Defines Your Work?
Every job needs a tool to complete it. What tool most defines your own work?
Every job needs a tool to complete it. What tool most defines your own work?

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You are most defined by a hammer! You see yourself as a real go-getter, someone who's first to rise and first to get things done. If something breaks down at home, you don't need to call for help; you just fix it. You're a hands-on kind of person with a great work ethic and a good sense of purpose. With your strong focus and "get-it-done" attitude, you're bound to succeed!
Does that sound like you? Comment below to let us know if we got that right!
Your work is most defined by a pen! You are a creative person at heart, who prioritizes quality and beauty in life. You're not focused so much on having a lot of material things as much as you care about having the right kinds of things and people in your life. You can sometimes be a bit of a perfectionist, but this just means that you are certain to be satisfied by what you seek out. Stick to your gut instincts, and your creative spark is sure to flourish!
Does that sound like you? Comment below if you agree!
Your work is most defined by an iPad! Okay, okay - you're a techie, and everyone knows it. You're the kind of person who was learning code before "learning code" was even a thing. You likely have the capacity to put together your own computer from scratch, and don't really need to call tech support if something breaks down. You're likely to work in some kind of high-tech industry, whether that means developing your own apps or running a computer company.
Does this sound like you? Let us know below!
You are most defined by a stethoscope! Medicine is your field of interest and bettering humanity has always been your prime cause. You have a deep-seated caring for life and want to make sure that those around you have the best quality of medical care that anyone can provide. You're likely to be focused on medicine, whether in the area of research, surgery, or nursing. You've got a big heart, and everyone knows to turn to you in times of emotional stress. Your caring nature is sure to get you much support in all areas of your life.
Does that sound like your personality? Let us know in the comments!
Your work is most defined by your phone. You are on the phone throughout the work day, whether answering questions or seeking out new clients. You've got a great personality and are highly social, which makes you the perfect person for a client services or marketing position. You have the perfect gift of making connections, which is sure to help you network your way to the top!
Does this describe your current work or home life? Let us know below!