97% Of Adults Can't Pass This High School Test. Can You?
97% Of Adults Can't Pass This High School Test. Can You?
Did your High School diploma pay off?
Did your High School diploma pay off?
You're in the 3%
You're in the 3%
Wow, you are really smart. You're in the 3%! This means you passed this test with flying colors. You retain information very well - and that is a huge asset to have in life! Most adults don't remember much of their early education, so be proud of yourself for being in the 3%. Your education paid off!
You're in the 97%
You're in the 97%
Looks like you're in the 97%! But don't feel discouraged, nearly all Americans cannot pass a simple high school test. You are far into your career and haven't thought about basic chemistry equations since you graduated. You don't have the best memory when it comes to remembering skills that don't pertain to your career. It's okay, high school is in the past.