This Music Test Will Reveal Your Soul's True Age
This Music Test Will Reveal Your Soul's True Age
Music touches the soul in ways we don't always understand. Sometimes, someone who likes an older generation of music will be called an "old soul." Take the music quiz below to see just how old your soul is!
Music touches the soul in ways we don't always understand. Sometimes, someone who likes an older generation of music will be called an "old soul." Take the music quiz below to see just how old your soul is!

What song would you choose for your first dance at your wedding?
If you won free tickets to a concert, which artist would you be most ecstatic to see?
You're jamming out to some good rap, what's your go-to song?
What are your thoughts on classical music?
Which of these groups are you dying to see?
You've got the Sunday blues, what do you listen to to cheer you up?
DANCE PARTY TIME! Choose a song:
You're in the mood to cry, what songs do you listen to?
Your Soul's True Age Is 15
Your Soul's True Age Is 15
Your soul's true age is 15! Your love for contemporary music extends to all genres! Whether you're actually 15, or just 15 at heart, you love up-beat tunes that get you feelin' good. Who can blame you?! Contemporary artists have reinvented music and their songs are not only catchy, but heart-warming as well.
Do you agree with this result? Let us know in the comments below!
Your Soul's True Age Is 27
Your Soul's True Age Is 27
Your soul's true age is 27! You miss the days when your favorite pop stars and rock bands were all over radio stations. You're into different types of genres like pop, classic rock, and rap. Whether you're actually in your 20s or not, you have the musical taste of one!
Do you agree with this result? Let us know in the comments below!
Your Soul's True Age Is 38
Your Soul's True Age Is 38
Your soul's true age is 38! You miss the days where radio stations actually played good music and concerts weren't lip synced. You're all about the classic rock fad and some good ole rap! Thank god for iTunes and Spotify so you can listen to your classic goodies!
Do you agree with this result? Let us know in the comments below!
Your Soul's True Age Is 52
Your Soul's True Age Is 52
Your soul's true age is 52! Whether you're actually 52, or not, you have a great, oldie taste in music! You love any genre if it's from the 70s or prior. You miss the days artists actually knew what good music was - now it's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. But at least you've got your old record player to listen to those great ole tunes.
Do you agree with this result? Let us know in the comments below!