Did you know? Knowledge test #5
Did you know? Knowledge test #5
Test your knowledge by taking this Quiz !
Test your knowledge by taking this Quiz !

Scrabble is the most played board game in the world.
Sponges hold more cold water than hot.
You begin to feel thirsty when your body losses 1% of water.
The Dead Sea is actually an inland lake.
Your blood is 2 times thicker than water.
Basketball is the most followed sport.
Volleyball was invented in 1895.
Elephants sleep between 4 - 5 hours in 24 period.
Einstein slept 10 hours a night.
The average person falls asleep in 17 minutes.
You are a genius !
You are a genius !
Congratulations ! You have a great general knowledge.
You should be happy and proud about your fantastic result.
You did alright.
You did alright.
Not bad at all ! You have a good general knowledge.
You should be happy about your result.
You should more practice.
You should more practice.
Don't feel useless, always look on the bright side !
The more you learn the more you earn.