Which lengendary creatures are you?

Complete 5 questions and find out the creature you represent for.

Absolute Sword
Created by Absolute Sword (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 22, 2016

If you was born as a lengendary creature? Which powers do you prefer?

Choose a weapon!

What will you do when you see someone trying to kill a cat. If you have your power.

Your feeling when you see it?

What do you want to have?



Merciless, heartless, loveless. You was born to take lives away. But with the ability to control life and death. You are the immortal creature. Nothing can defeat you.



With the power of dark, you are the most mystical creature. Hide in shadow, and finish your enemy with an arrow of judgement.

Angel of battle

Angel of battle

Warrior Angel. You live to protect . Fight for the right. You are the most beautiful creature in the world.

Lengendary Dragon

Lengendary Dragon

Cold-Blood. Ruthless. You were born to destroy. A killing machine. The most powerful creature.

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