Which movie genre best describes your life?

Think that your life is like a movie? Come figure out which movie describes your life the best! Is it romantic? cartoon? or maybe even horror movie?

Created by digestfeed (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 7, 2015

The first thing you do when you get to work…

Your favorite pastime with your friends…

When you’re hungry…

Your favorite vacation spot…

Your favorite automobile...

Your favorite color is…

The last thing you do before you go to sleep…

Romantic Comedy

Romantic Comedy

Your dream dates await wherever you go, and even when the cleaner at work makes fun of you, it’s because he’s secretly in love with you.

Disney Cartoon

Disney Cartoon

Life is wonderful, always! Ok, sometimes your boss is like a villain who thinks he’s ruling the entire kingdom - but there’s nothing a song can’t fix.

Horror Movie

Horror Movie

It’s always dark wherever you go, you can never find your car keys, and your parents’ cabin in the woods was not such a good vacation idea. But at least you’re ready for a zombie apocalypse!

Superheroes Movie

Superheroes Movie

You’re always busy saving the world. And if not the world, at least that elderly woman who’s trying to cross the road.

Adult Movie

Adult Movie

There’s always just one thing on your mind - and it ain’t math. At least the delivery guys always show up extra quickly.

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On Nov 18, 2021