How Well Do You Remember Kenan & Kel?

How well do you remember one of the 90's best loved shows?

Dionne Taylor
Created by Dionne Taylor (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 19, 2016
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First things first... who loves orange soda?

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Who performs the theme song 'Aw, Here It Goes'

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What is Kyra known for?

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What is the name of the grocery store when Kenan works?

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How does Kenan meet Sharla?

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Who did Mrs. Quagmire beat up on multiple occassions?

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What happened on Brianna's and Kenan's date?

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Kel bets Kenan he can give up Orange Soda for the week, what does the loser have to do?

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What year was the final episode 'Two Heads Are Better Than None' aired?

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What is Kenan's new neighbors -Marc Cram's special talent?

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Why did Kenan get into trouble with Principal Dimly?

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Which female singer guest starred in an episode?

Questions left
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