How Well Do You Remember Kenan & Kel?
How Well Do You Remember Kenan & Kel?
How well do you remember one of the 90's best loved shows?
How well do you remember one of the 90's best loved shows?
Created by Dionne Taylor (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 19, 2016
1 / 12
First things first... who loves orange soda?
2 / 12
Who performs the theme song 'Aw, Here It Goes'
3 / 12
What is Kyra known for?
4 / 12
What is the name of the grocery store when Kenan works?
5 / 12
How does Kenan meet Sharla?
6 / 12
Who did Mrs. Quagmire beat up on multiple occassions?
7 / 12
What happened on Brianna's and Kenan's date?
8 / 12
Kel bets Kenan he can give up Orange Soda for the week, what does the loser have to do?
9 / 12
What year was the final episode 'Two Heads Are Better Than None' aired?
10 / 12
What is Kenan's new neighbors -Marc Cram's special talent?
11 / 12
Why did Kenan get into trouble with Principal Dimly?
12 / 12
Which female singer guest starred in an episode?
Questions left
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