How Well Can You Remember The 'Home Alone' Films?
How Well Can You Remember The 'Home Alone' Films?
Quiz on Home Alone 1, 2, 3 & 4!
Quiz on Home Alone 1, 2, 3 & 4!

In Home Alone, where were Kevin's family heading on their vacation?
What was Old Man" Marley rumoured to have killed his entire family with?
Where does Kate first meet Gus Polinski?
What does Kevin cover the basement stairs in?
Kevin plants Buzz's pet on Marv's face, what type of pet was it?
On Christmas day when the family return home, what did Peter find in the house?
In Home Alone 2, what are the Wet Bandits now known as?
Why doesn't Kevin want to spend Christmas in Florida?
What does toy store owner, Mr. Duncan give Kevin to say thank you for his donation?
How does the Pigeon Lady eventually save Kevin?
What does Kevin connect to the sink that gives Marv an electric shock?
Where does Kate eventually meet up with Kevin?
In Home Alone 3, what did the four hitmen steal?
Why did Alex originally get sent home from school?
What was the name of Alex's pet rat?
Earl gets his feet caught in what after stepping into two Mega Bloks carts?
What do the thieves hide their stolen good in to get past airport security?
In the fourth movie, what was the name of Peter's rich new girlfriend?
What does Marv get hit in the crotch with, just before him and Vera fall down the stairs?
What was the real identity of the maid, Molly?