The ULTIMATE Disney Channel: Hannah Montana Quiz!
The ULTIMATE Disney Channel: Hannah Montana Quiz!
In honour of #throwbackthursday we present the ultimate Disney Channel: Hannah Montana quiz!
In honour of #throwbackthursday we present the ultimate Disney Channel: Hannah Montana quiz!

What college did Lily get into, that Miley didn't?
What's the name of the middle school and high school Miley attends?
On which TV show does Hannah Montana land a guest-starring role?
Which food does Oliver and Jackson rap about?
Who did Miley date in the final series?
What is the name of the school mascot Miley dresses as?
What do Amber and Ashley say when they speak at the same time?
Which of these celebs did NOT make a guest appearance as themselves in the TV series?
Miley makes up a dance to help her remember what?
What was the first ever song, sung by Hannah Montana in the series?
Miley and Lily often refer to their nerdy, animal rights activist classmate as '_____ Sarah'
What is the name of Hannah Montana's rival played by Selena Gomez?
What is Lily's alter-ego called?
On which late night talk show did Miley reveal her secret?
Where did the Stewarts meet their bodyguard Roxy?