Which famous archaeologist are you?
Which famous archaeologist are you?

Out of the following
places, where would
you go?
How do you feel
about looting?
Which of the following would be your most prized discovery?
What would be your
favorite part of being
an archaeologist?
When you are working on an archaeological dig, where would you stay?
My lunch break
consists of...
How would you learn about the culture you
are studying?
What would your primary excavation
tool be?
My role on a dig
would be...
What do you hate
the most?
Where would you fit in the Harry Potter world?
What is your
favorite color?
Which of the following hobbies would you enjoy the most?
River Song
River Song
You are an archaeologist because your time traveling husband laughs at archaeologists. That sums up your relationship. Spoilers! You are a bold adventurer who does not take the safe path. You use your charisma and charm to do what you want no matter the consequences. You are skillful and extremely smart, and blunt to a fault. Your friends appreciate your spontaneity, as you keep them on their toes. Sometimes you struggle showing your friends you care, but you have become kinder with age.
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones
You are very knowledgeable about your field, and you value your work, but you are not above breaking the rules. For the right reasons of course. Some might say you are lucky, but you know you are just bull headed and tough. You get the job done, even if it is not the way you wanted. Sometimes it is infuriating how seldom you succeed, but in the end you know what you do is for the public. Those items belong in a museum!
Milo Thatch
Milo Thatch
You are the resident bookworm, specializing in linguistics. You do not have practical life experience, which means you fail a lot, but you persevere. Passion guides you; sometimes you get so lost in your work you forget to eat or sleep. People value your brilliance, and they rely on you to know the answers. You are willing to follow your heart even when it means it might hurt yourself. Nevertheless, your best quality is your exuberance. It’s contagious!
Lara Croft
Lara Croft
Like many other archaeologists, you are highly educated and intelligent. But you are a self-made adventurer. You have used the wealth and aristocracy you were born with to fund your adventurous life. You have been shaped in part by loss and trial and that makes you tough. Your athletic lifestyle sure comes in handy too when you’re repelling down into tombs or fighting off bad guys. “A famous explorer once said, that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."
Evelyn Carnahan
Evelyn Carnahan
You are a bit accident prone which can be problematic. Probably explains why you don’t have a lot of practical experience. You believe in what you can see and touch and become so focused on your research that it can sometimes cause problems. But you are determined and brave and loyal to a fault. Your can keep your wits when faced with danger. You might not believe in curses, but Egypt is in your blood. You have been dreaming about finding something amazing all your life and you will hang on to your dreams.
Dr. Temperance Brennan
Dr. Temperance Brennan
You are passionate about your work and always put your passions first. Just in case you missed it: work is your passion. A bit socially awkward, you probably won't understand jokes, sarcasm, or pop culture. You aren’t super savvy, and you prefer to use your brain over your heart. But your straightforward approach means no one has to guess around you, and they can always count on you. You will do what you think is right no matter what.
Which famous media archaeologist are you?