How well do you know Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
How well do you know Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the first feature film created by Walt Disney and is still beloved by many. But how well do you know the story? Take the quiz and find out.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the first feature film created by Walt Disney and is still beloved by many. But how well do you know the story? Take the quiz and find out.

What animal's heart does the Huntsman take to the Queen instead of Snow White's?
How many dirty dishes does Snow White find when enterting the Seven Dwarf's cottage?
Which of the Seven Dwarfs utters the fewest lines in Snow What and the Seven Dwarfs?
What are the first five words the Queen says to the mirror?
What kind of pie makes "the men folk's mouths water?"
Which of the Seven Dwarfs turns away to cry alone after Snow White falls into her sleep?
What kind of animal holds the dust pan for Snow White when she cleans the cottage?
What kind of animal is Snow White comforting as the Huntsman approaches?
Which of the Seven Dwarfs asks Snow White to tell a love story after she sings a silly song?
Which of the Seven Dwarfs did Walt Disney consider naming Gloomy?