Do You Really Love Spicy Food Or Are You Just A Poser?

Only the strong stomachs survive.

Created by Distractify (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 17, 2015

Someone hands you this at Taco Bell and your reaction is:

Which snack is the spiciest?

Is this false advertising?

What's the worst part of eating spicy food?

If your mouth is on fire, which one of these do you reach for?

You've asked friends on vacation to bring you back local hot sauce or peppers.

The Scoville scale measures:

There is a bottle of Sriracha in your fridge right now.

How many times have you cut a hot pepper and then rubbed a delicate body part?

You ask a friend for gum and they offer this. What do you do?

How many brands of hot sauce can you name?

When you see peppers on a menu, you:

Which pepper is the hottest?

People are often scared to try your cooking.

Your tongue is so weak it's scared of nachos.

Your tongue is so weak it's scared of nachos.

You can't handle the burn!! The spiciest thing you've eaten lately is a cinnamon Tic Tac (and you spit that out when no one was looking). Enjoy picking jalapenos off things for the rest of your life!

You've got a fever, and the only cure is more spice!

You've got a fever, and the only cure is more spice!

You live to feel the burn!!! Numb lips and a sweaty brow are signs that you're doing it right. You put hot sauce on EVERYTHING (sometimes without tasting it first) and probably met your SO while taping an "I survived the Atomic Wings" polaroid to the wall at the local wing shack.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021