What Type Of Drunk Does Science Think You Are?
What Type Of Drunk Does Science Think You Are?
A recent study concluded that there are four different "drunk" personalities. Take the quiz to find out which one you are!
A recent study concluded that there are four different "drunk" personalities. Take the quiz to find out which one you are!
At parties, you're too nervous to mingle until you've had a drink.
You prefer your liquor neat or on the rocks.
People say you giggle a lot when you're drunk.
You've had to reimburse at least one friend for something you broke/peed on while drunk.
When the cops get called because the party's too loud, you're the one they send to the door.
After a night of bar hopping, you tell each of your friends (and a few strangers) how much you love them.
You prefer cocktails that taste like fruit or bubblegum.
Your friends always have to drag you to the bar, but once you're there, you have a great time.
When you drink, it almost always results in a black out. And lots of angry texts in the morning.
After a night of drinking, you often have bruises you can't explain.
You never want to do shots...until you've had two beers.
The only time you'll dance (or sing) in public, is after a few (dozen) PBRs.
You've definitely drunk texted the person listed in your phone as "Do Not Text."
You like to kick off a night of drinking by shotgunning a beer. The cheaper the better.
While your friends are dancing on tables, you're in the corner, talking politics with someone you just met.
You've bonded with random girls in bathroom lines.
The Mary Poppins
The Mary Poppins
You're a Mary Poppins drunk! According to the study, Mary Poppins drinkers follow the "practically perfect in every way" description Poppins bestows on herself in the 1964 movie: you an already-outgoing person who somehow gets sweeter and happier with alcohol.
The Ernest Hemingway
The Ernest Hemingway
You're an Ernest Hemingway drunk! About 40% of all drinkers fall into this category. Named for the writer who famously boasted that he could “drink any amount of whiskey without getting drunk,” Hemingways do not exhibit any major changes in personality when they transition from sober to drunk, the study contends.
The Nutty Professor
The Nutty Professor
You're a Nutty Professor drunk! Nutty Professors are named for the chemically-altered academic with a second personality immortalized by Eddie Murphy. According to the study, you are a natural introvert who sheds your inhibitions when you drink, showing a flashier and more social side.
The Mr. Hyde
The Mr. Hyde
You're a Mr. Hyde drunk! You're an evil-twin drinker who, according to the study, is "particularly less responsible, less intellectual, and more hostile when under the influence of alcohol."