Which celebrity couple (or single pringle) are you and your bae?

Which celeb couple is living your life?

Sammy Stewart
Created by Sammy Stewart (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What sounds like a ~cute~ way to spend a Saturday?

Which of these emojis best sums up your love life?

How often do you and bae fight?

Which Disney couple are you and your bae?

Which of these movies would you watch on a date?

You have to listen to a song for 10 straight hours (srsly) which is it?



Stable, security and trust are words you use to desribe your relationship. Great job babes.



You love eachother. You fight. You break up, you get back together. You fight...again. But you're back together. TBH you don't actually know what your relationship status is at the mo.



You and your BF are strong than Tarzan glue. Adorbz.



You lurrrvveee him and he luRvvezzzz you. You both pretty much consider yourselves this century's Romeo and Juliet minus all the dying and drama. #2Getha4Eva



Single as a pringle, just like Niall: You're more single than a plate of celery sticks at a birthday party...but that is so okay! You keep doing you, babes.



Literally no one knows what's going on with you too. Not even you do...

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021