Which TV Team Would Save Your Life?
Which TV Team Would Save Your Life?
Will you be saved by Sam & Dean, or will you see Daryl and Rick rush to the rescue?
Will you be saved by Sam & Dean, or will you see Daryl and Rick rush to the rescue?

How likely are you get into some serious trouble?
How trusting are you?
Do you have many friends?
Do you have an arch nemesis?
How good are you at following instructions?
What are you most afraid of?
How likely are you to ask for help?
What's the most important thing in a dangerous situation?
Sam & Dean - Supernatural
Sam & Dean - Supernatural
The ultimate evil-fighting duo, you can count on Sam & Dean to have your back when you find yourself in a compromising predicament. Specializing in all things Supernatural, they will probably save you from a haunting demon or a dark power that just has it in for you.
The Avengers
The Avengers
Being quite the troublemaker, you're going to need all the saving you can get. The ultimate assembly of strength, wit, speed and coordination, The Avengers will probably save your life on more than one occasion as you spend your life drifting in and out of trouble.
Daryl Dixon and Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon and Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead
You might always be on your guard, but sometimes you can't be quite quick enough! That's where Daryl and Rick come in to save your butt! The ultimate life-saving duo, you can count on Daryl and Rick to have your back and kill off any Walkers that might stand in your way.
The Flash
The Flash
You live in a fast-paced environment, and when push comes to shove and you haven't got a soul to turn to for help, The Flash will dash to the rescue! He'll probably save your life in more than once occasion as your go getting attitude might be rubbing some unfriendly characters the wrong way!
Billionaire, playboy, nightclub owner, and watchful vigilante of justice in Starlight City; after surviving on the island Lian Yu for five years, there isn't a situation that he couldn't save you from. He knows your enemies better than you do yourself and keeps a watchful eye over you, while he deals with those looking for your head!