This Is What Your Eyes Tell Others About Your Hidden Emotions
The eyes are the mirror to the soul, after all!
An indicator of un-happy behavior.
Dilated Pupils
An indicator of pleasure or arousal
An indication of displeasure of a person, or of what is being said.
Raise Eyebrows
A gesture of congeniality and hoping to get along and communicate better.
Social Gazing
This is a triangle from the eyes to the mouth. It is non-aggressive and shows comfort.
Intimate Gazing
If you want to be intimate with someone you want to look from their eyes to their mouth and lower to the body.
Power Gazing
This is a triangle between the eyes and the forehead. It avoids the intimate areas of the mouth and body completely.
Sideways Glance
This usually denotes uncertainty or the need
Looking Down One’s Nose
If someone lifts their head and looks down their nose at you, it usually means they feel superior.