What Era Is Your English?
What Era Is Your English?
"They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps."
"They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps."

The study of the human body is also known as the study of the human:
The things that you own, are also known as your:
Someone who wears trendy clothes can be described as:
During a long silence, one can feel quite:
When something is so quiet you can't even hear it, you can describe it as:
When you can't stop consuming something, like cigarettes or alcohol, you could have:
A particular gleam of sunlight can be:
When things don't go your way, you can feel quite:
When you've had a busy day, you can say that your day was rather:
When someone appears to be too pleased with oneself, you can say that that someone is:
When you go to sleep, you usually put on your:
When you get paid for your work, you receive:
What do you carry your money in?
Shakespearean Era
Shakespearean Era
Your English is heavily influenced by the Shakespearean era, also known as the golden age of English history. You're lively, animated and sociable and thoroughly enjoy company. You have a very rich vocabulary and tend to be eloquent and soft spoken. You have quite a flare for the dramatics and make a point of using precise language to express yourself properly.
Victorian Era
Victorian Era
Your English is heavily influenced by the Victorian Era. You're quite prim and proper and life to follow rules. You're highly intelligent and quick witted, and it seems like you always know just what to say. You tend to be vague and polite in your speech and do your best to refrain from discussing controversial topics. It's not in your nature to be vulgar either, and you prefer to express your frustration by simply leaving the conversation.
Colonial Period
Colonial Period
Your English is heavily influenced by the Colonial Period. You're quite the pioneer, confident and curious, always looking for new grounds to explore. You tend to be chatty and friendly, but you know where to draw the line and aren't too trusting, especially when meeting new people. You tend to be concise in your speech and prefer to get straight to the point. You're a no-nonsense badass; you know what you want and you're not afraid to take it.
Renaissance Period
Renaissance Period
Your English is heavily influenced by the Renaissance Period. You're quite the innovative dreamer and tend to express yourself almost poetically. You language is floral and indulgent and you simply love to tell stories! You can catch yourself rambling sometimes, but that's only because you've got so many ideas bubbling up in your mind and you're not always sure how to illustrate them.
Norman Invasion Era
Norman Invasion Era
Your English is heavily influenced by the Norman Invasion Era. You are most likely bilingual and drawn inspiration from other languages to better express yourself. You have a rich vocabulary and are constantly on a quest to find cool new words. You're a good communicator who gets their point across clearly and coherently without having to elaborate too much.
Modern Era
Modern Era
Your English is heavily influenced by modern society. You're a fast and efficient communicator who is in touch with modern slang and abbreviations as much as the next person. You prefer to communicate via text messages and try to keep verbal communication to the minimum. You're social and active and often talk as fast as you live.