Would You Make a Good Secret Agent?
Would You Make a Good Secret Agent?
In honor of a brand new season of Archer, we've created a quiz to see if your spy abilities are equivalent to the best secret agent ever, Sterling Archer himself.
In honor of a brand new season of Archer, we've created a quiz to see if your spy abilities are equivalent to the best secret agent ever, Sterling Archer himself.

How important is house cleanliness to you?
Who is your favorite actor?
What is your favorite 80's pop song?
What is your favorite household pet?
How fast can you down an alcholic beverage?
What do you believe is the most tacitcal spy wear?
Do and your mother have a healthy relationship?
Is there any chance of you complying with someone who isn't your supervisor?
Is your arch nemisis an indestructable half human cyborg?
Are you in love with your fellow secret agent co-worker?
You and Archer are on the exact same level
You and Archer are on the exact same level
Incredibly you drink just as much as Archer and are just as egotistical, insane, and rediculous as him. Of course that also means you're just as good a secret agent. Congratulations!
You're just a step below Archer in the secret agent department
You're just a step below Archer in the secret agent department
Don't feel bad, you're still a pretty solid secret agent, you just don't have all the self defeating tendancies that make Archer the amazing secret agent he is. In our opinion, it's probably for the best.
You're an awful secret agent and nowhere close to as talented as Archer
You're an awful secret agent and nowhere close to as talented as Archer
Just get out of the secret agent indsutry before you accidentaly die or worse. The only place for you is behind a desk filing paper work.