What Kind Of Vampire Are You?
What Kind Of Vampire Are You?
Find out what breed and clan of vampire you are!
Find out what breed and clan of vampire you are!

OK! first question! How do you feel about killing?
How do you feel about angels?
What word stands out to you?
How do you feel about love?
In a friend group who are you?
What do you think of animals?
What would you use as a weapon?
What do you think about horror?
How trusting are you?
Let fate decide
What crime would you commit?
Are you a superstitious person?
To be or not to be?
Pure blood, dark magic
Pure blood, dark magic
You are a pure blood master of the dark arts! You have the ability to keep yourself calm and balanced in all situations, role model to some and a leader to others. Consider yourself an elite, you're the head of the vampiric community. Your abilities include summoning, black magic, and necromancy. You have few weaknesses those being having your head removed, and an angels' blade.
Pure blood, combat
Pure blood, combat
You are a pure blood, combat vampire! someone as strong as you should be feared! cool and collected till you get angry, your skilled at all forms of combat and have heightened senses. With elite advantages in the vampire community. With few weaknesses a foe such as yourself should be very hard to end, just be weary of angelic blades or your head getting chopped off
Pure blood, shifter
Pure blood, shifter
You are a pure blood shifting vampire! your a independent person with a soft side for animals so good on you. you have the ability to shift into wolves, bats, large cats and small cats. Have fun ripping your foes to shreds with your claws and fangs! As a pure blood you are an elite of the vampiric community! Along with that you have few weaknesses, just watch out for angelic blades and your head getting chopped off.
Half blood, dark magic
Half blood, dark magic
Congrats half blood you've mastered the nearly impossible arts of magic. You're a kind of person who refuses to be limited into a boundary and will fight for their cause. Your abilities include black magic and necromancy. Now take note your blood isn't fully vampiric and your weaknesses are angelic blades, holy water and being stabbed through the chest.
Half blood, combat
Half blood, combat
Bold and upfront you take matters into your own hands, not caring who or what gets in your way. Skilled in hand to hand combat and a mean temper, you're a foe to be feared. Yet, like all things you have your weaknesses.... be careful around angelic blades, holy water and being stabbed.
Half blood, shifter
Half blood, shifter
You're an out going person who voices their opinion. As a vampire you can communicate with animals, along with transforming into wolves and dogs. Yet be weary of angelic blades, poisons and getting stabbed in the heart.
New blood, dark magic
New blood, dark magic
Superstitious person, you prefer to stick with the rules and what's played out for you. A social person, you take joy in helping others solve their problems. You're skilled at black magic and amazing at social events. Being a new blood you have many weaknesses, no worries they go away...... eventually..... those weaknesses include, any religious imagery, angelic blades, the sun, holy water, being impaled.
New blood, combat
New blood, combat
You're a bold and upfront person with a kind and gentle side. As a new blood your combat capabilities are insanely strong! YET, your temper is also off the charts so watch out. As a new blood you have many weaknesses. No worries, they'll go away eventually.... but you're weak to any religious imagery, angelic blades, the sun, holy water, being impaled.