Which Guardian from "Rise of the Guardians" Are You?
Which Guardian from "Rise of the Guardians" Are You?
What's your center? What do you protect? Do you align with one of Childhood's fierce warriors?
What's your center? What do you protect? Do you align with one of Childhood's fierce warriors?
Do you like children?
When with kids, you tend to...
Do spend a lot of time with kids?
Do children usually like you?
Fighting style...
Your Moral Compass...
Which role do you usually play? (figuratively)
Would you lay down your life to protect a child?
Toothiana Hy Loo
Toothiana Hy Loo
You are most like Her Most High Majesty Queen Toothiana Hy Loo, of Punjam Hy Loo Tooth Palace. The Tooth Fairy protects the most important memories of childhood, and uses them to remind people of what's really important. She has a mothering nature and is a bit of a perfectionist who has mild anxiety and large amounts of energy. She is extremely caring and compassionate and will stop at no end to protect those she cares about! Fly on! Her center is MEMORIES.
E. Aster Bunnymund
E. Aster Bunnymund
You are most like the mythical E. Aster Bunnymund, Last Member of the Great Pooka Race, who protected earth for centuries. The Easter Bunny uses his eggs to bring hope to children across the globe and to keep their spirits high no matter how dark it seems. He is protective and stoic, with a strong personality and stronger opinions. He is rather stubborn and thick headed, but will always be there to help someone in need. Keep on Tunnelin'. His center is HOPE.
Nicholas St. North
Nicholas St. North
You are most like the legendary swordsman Nicolas St. North, master magician, inventor and ex-thief. Santa, St. Nick, Kris Kringle etc. uses Christmas to show children wonder and keep their eyes open to the magical beauty that's all around. He is clever and quick-witted, with a fatherly attitude. He is also impulsive and just a tad over dramatic. Either way, he will always be forgiving and won't ever give up on the cause he is put to. His center is WONDER.
Sanderson Mansnoozie
Sanderson Mansnoozie
You are most like Sanderson Mansnoozie, Dream Giver, Inspirer, and Dream Master. He sends his dreamsand out into the night to give children magnificent dreams, which may turn into brilliant ideas and blossoming ambitions. Sandman is creative, imaginative, and a great listener. But he has a habit of being confusing, a little too passive. Despite that, he will be patient, kind, and always someone who will try their hardest to cheer you up.
Jackson Overland Frost
Jackson Overland Frost
You are most like the blizzard boy and winter child, Jackson Overland Frost. His snowdays and games keep kids having fun times and exciting childhoods. He is carefree and light-hearted, but can be lonesome and offensively sarcastic and insensitive. No matter what though, he will step up when it counts and throw himself in doing the right thing. His center is FUN.
Pitch Black
Pitch Black
Okay then...this is a little awkward, but you match up most with Pitch Black, the Nightmare King, Ruler of Fearlings, aka the Boogeyman and the monster hiding under the bed/in the closet. He sends out fear and fright to the children, leaving them cowering and looking for light. But that doesn't mean he's all bad. Sure, he's blunt, un-empathic, and slightly sadistic. Yet, he has a finesse and elegance along with a grim understanding that some lessons must be learnt the hard way. Tough job, but someone's got to do it.
I take it you're not a kids person. So, you're not cut out to be a Guardian. But hey, that's cool. Adults are there to help keep children safe as much as the Guardians are and that's important.