The 10 Best MLP Villains and Antagonists
The 10 Best MLP Villains and Antagonists
We've made lists similar to these in the past, but the demand for a list of the best MLP (My Little Pony) villains is huge. Due to newer villains, we've put together this newer article just for you. Enjoy!
We've made lists similar to these in the past, but the demand for a list of the best MLP (My Little Pony) villains is huge. Due to newer villains, we've put together this newer article just for you. Enjoy!

Nightmare Moon is the evil alter ego of Princess Luna, the princess of the night and the moon. Being jealous of her sister, Princess Celestia (princess of the day/sun), who was recognized more than she was, Luna turns into a malevolent yet extravagant goddess of the night.
The Pony of Shadows used to be a unicorn named Stygian. After anger and jealousy had invaded him for not being noticed by the Pillars of Old Equestria (ancient heroes of Equestria), dark magic left by Nightmare Moon long ago took over and transformed him into a dark, shadowy alicorn.
The Tantabus is a parasitic dark force which Princess Luna had created to give her nightmares to punish herself for being a threat as Nightmare Moon. The Tantabus takes the form of a ghostly unicorn, and had once escaped Luna's mind and had almost threatened all of Equestria.
Discord is the spirit of chaos, and is a Draconequus. Having already harmed Equestria once with his hilarious chaotic magic, Discord returns after breaking free from his prison inside his stone statue. Now that he has reformed, his dangerous power of draining ponies' true personalities and transforming them into their opposites remains hidden in the past.
Tirek is a demonic centaur who thrives to drain all existing magic to become the most powerful being in Equestria. Being weakened from his last uprising, he started stealing magic from normal ponies, quickly moving on to taking away the powerful magic of alicorn princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle.
King Sombra is a devilish, vampiric unicorn-like creature that wants to destroy freedom and love in the Crystal Empire. After having tried once, he returned to be defeated once more by the power of the Crystal Heart. Later on, it is revealed he was also trying to unleash the Umbrum army, which is part of the dark forces that control his cruelty.
Also known to be Hippocampi-like Sirens, the Dazzlings feed off of negative energy, given off by people/ponies around them, which were first "emitted" by the magical ruby-like gems on their choker necklaces. having been banished to the human world, they had almost managed to accumulate enough magic and negative energy to return to Equestria.
Queen Chrysalis used to be the ruler of the Changelings, bug-like alicorn-related creatures that feed off of love. Having attacked Equestria twice, her army has reformed under the rule of a kind Changeling named Thorax. Queen Chrysalis fled, leaving us to the question if her powers will return and if she'll threaten Equestria again.
The Storm King is a satyr and the ruler of the south of Equestria and half of the undiscovered magical world. He used to be the master of Tempest Shadow, a unicorn with a broken horn and a troubled past, and Grubber, a hedgehog. The Storm King had tried to bring destruction and misery to the land of Equestria, but had not succeeded due to the power of the united ponies.
Starlight Glimmer is an extremely powerful unicorn, who is capable of even time-traveling. If she had succeeded in her masterful evil plan, she could have destroyed all of Equestria, leaving everyone to perish in her multiple alternate universes, each being ruled by a different older villain. Thankfully, she was reformed by Twilight Sparkle and later on became her student.
All pictures and information derive from the Villains and MLP Wiki. Thanks for reading!