What would be your Patronus?
What would be your Patronus?
Ever wondered what your Patronus would be if you could cast one? Maybe a cat? Or maybe something completely different, like a dolphin. Take this test to find out!
Ever wondered what your Patronus would be if you could cast one? Maybe a cat? Or maybe something completely different, like a dolphin. Take this test to find out!

Think of your happiest memory. In the following three questions, click on the answer that is the closest to what you remember of it. From the following words, which has to do with your happiest memory the most?
And here
And here:
At the following, read the words and follow your instincts. Then choose a word quickly. Do not think too much, or your Patronus will disappear!
Do not hesitate and choose.
Quickly, your lovely Patronus is forming!
Now answer the following few questions. It will not take long until your Patronus is fully formed! Now: you are most drawn to...
You are accused of something you might have done. How do you react?
What is your Hogwarts House?
You are punished by a teacher! How do you react?
How good are you at lying?
Finally, what do you think your Patronus would be? (Some of these options are not in the results and some have no influence on the results.)
Persian Cat
Persian Cat
Your Patronus is a Persian cat! This is one of the less common forms of the Patronus, cast by very special people. You are clever, curious and you know how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you can be a bit lazy, but just like a boss, you know when there's something that's worth your attention. Also, you are strong willed and you won't rest until you get what you want. You can be a drama queen sometimes, but that is not necessarily a bad thing, right? :)
Arctic fox
Arctic fox
Your Patronus is a Fox!
You are cunning and very smart, and you sure know how to get what you want without a lot of work. Just like the Fox, you are sneaky and you only put effort in things where you'll benefit from. You care the most about yourself, but everyone knows not to touch your friends unless they don't want to see day of light again. Though, when you are in danger, you'll save yourself before thinking of others and you will help someone solely if you get something in return. But we all know you're fabulous!
Green vine snake
Green vine snake
Your Patronus is a Snake! You love to be alone sometimes, and your mind is always busy plotting. You are very smart and very sneaky, and while you are quiet, your brain always works and thinks about revenge and plotting great missions. You can be a very loyal friend to few special people.
You will best match with a Fox Patronus, with who you'll plot greatness!
German Shepherd
German Shepherd
Your Patronus is a Dog! How lovely. You are probably the sunshine everywhere. You are playful and friendly, and just as the dog, you love being outside.
But, you are not all flowers and cookies. People better not get you angry at them. When someone annoys you, they might as well commit suicide. You especially hate it when people wake you up early (though you don't mind waking up early if you wake up by yourself).
In short, you are awesome. Keep smiling!
Your Patronus is a Hawk. You are the observer, the person that is quiet. But as they say, quiet people hear the most. People don't expect you to know this much, but you gain much knowledge by listening to other people talking, while you don't talk a lot yourself. No, you are not anti-social, you just like to observe from the side.
You'd rather be alone, and you don't like busy places. You are very unexpected with what you do, and you always surprise people. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing, right?
Your Patronus is a Dragon! Wow, this is the rarest form of the Patronus and is cast by not more that a hundred wizards and witches. Ever.
You are mentally very strong. You are wild but you know how to do stuff, and you are very royal in you behavior. You might not particularly be very social, but you do have some good friends. You are calm, most of the times, but when you're angry people really need to stay away.
You are awesome, really. There is not much you can't do, and you're a fast learner! Keep it up!