Can You Solve These Game Show Puzzles?
Can You Solve These Game Show Puzzles?
It's time to spin the wheel!
It's time to spin the wheel!

Clue: *He's a married television host.*
Clue: *Think trophy. Second word includes the letters: C,H,M,A, and T.*
What's something a college kid has in his dorm room that his parents might object to?
Vowels: A, E, I, O, U, & Y
Clue: *Stage name was Biggie Smalls*
Technivorm Moccamaster's Coffee Brewer||
Clue: *Has an odd number in it* ||
Clue: Includes the letters A, R, O, & T.
If the Statue of Liberty were a man, what would it be holding instead of a torch?
11 Ft. stand up Pau Hana Paddle Board ||
Clue: Over $500
-Paddle included
Clue: *Wheels*
Clue: *The number one superhero under the sea.*
Name something in a car two lovers might accidentally turn on while making out.
Clue: *"French's" is an American manufacturer for this condiment.*