What's Your Love Language?
What's Your Love Language?
There are 5 love languages -- Which type of affection do you respond most to?
There are 5 love languages -- Which type of affection do you respond most to?

Words of Affirmation
Words of Affirmation
This language uses words to affirm other people. You don't wanna just hear how great you are. You want to hear someone applaud you for being a great person or how late you stayed up to finish that project. Hearing those types of compliments every now and then warm your heart.
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Acts of Service
Acts of Service
Your love language is Acts of Service. People willing to give their time to help you makes you feel loved. In terms of romantic relationships you love it when your significant other volunteers to cook or buy dinner. You love to know that the people you care about have your back.
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Receiving Gifts
Receiving Gifts
You love receiving gifts and this is not to say you are selfish. When someone celebrates your birthday by giving you a gift, or even when someone gives you a gift just because it's Wednesday, it sends you over the moon! You feel it's one thing for someone to say they care about you, but it's another for them to show it.
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Quality Time
Quality Time
The type of affection you respond most to is quality time. Sometimes you don't mind hanging out with all of your friends at once, but there's nothing like getting alone time with just one of them. You believe it's fundamental to building a solid relationship of any kind. You aren't a fan of people talking over others either.
Does this sound like you? Comment to let us know!
Physical Touch
Physical Touch
Physical Touch! This is not limited to intimate touching of a romantic or sexual nature, but basic physical contact between two people. You love hugs from your family and best friends. You even love a simple handshake or a high five. You feel a certain type of love and closeness to those who are willing to have physical contact with you.
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