Which Bible Character Are You?

From the obscure to the famous, here you can find out which Bible character you are.

Created by Dustoffthebible (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 26, 2015

When you're planning an outing with your friends you...

Your friend's car breaks down 3 hours away. You....

When you're eating pizza with a group and one piece is left in the box, and it's your favorite kind. You...

When you are driving and someone is cruising slow in the passing lane, blocking traffic. You....

Your favorite color is?

When someone gets mad at you and confronts you. You...

Your favorite subject in school was.....

Your favorite Bible sections are?

How do you pray?

How do you explain something complicated to someone else?



You are the Son of God. You heal the sick, make the blind see, and you are one with the Father. You can do no wrong.



You are daring and fearless and you will destroy every enemy of God. You are not afraid to call out the powers of darkness or have a show-down with the enemy. You are known as a warrior for God and you won't rest until his name is proclaimed everywhere.



You are a wise secular prophet who comes from a well-to-do background. You are well connected and important. You march to your own drum but you respect and fear the Lord. You might not be the most spiritual person but you understand who's in charge.



You are the king. You listen to people yet serve no man. You take directions from nobody and when you want something you get it. While you might be religious, it might be a more cognitive experience than spiritual.



You are a peculiar prophet. Not afraid to eat dung-baked bread cakes if God calls you to do it. You have a fanciful imagination but are guided by God. You might be a social outcast yet people listen to you.



You are not a loner like your predecessor, Elijah. You generally work within the system, working your way to the top. You are logical and intelligent but maybe a slight self-conscious. Regardless, people seek your counsel.



You are a leader but a bit of bull headed one. You are passionate about the Lord but you might sometimes act before thinking. Yet you are as bold as a lion once God gives you direction. Other's look to you for leadership.

Mary (sister of Martha)

Mary (sister of Martha)

You are a lover of Christ. You don't need to conquer the world or perform every good deed. You are happy just being at Jesus' feet. You are compassionate and sensitive and your friends know this about you. You may be quite but never forgotten.

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